Principal Message

Laughter and sunshine in a family leads to an effortless understanding. This is also true of the other family called The School. We need not wait for the sun and sunshine to come to us Let us all move towards the sunshine.

The previous academic year passed the corridors of time swiftly, but not without making significant pauses at the pillars of excellence. With God’s blessings of abundant grace, the team spirit of the staff and modern technology, we took magnificent strides in academics, sports, dramatics, robotics and other fields.

SVM has stayed true to the spirit of education while keeping pace with modern technology. Many of our students have excelled in many fields while others have found a new meaning to learning and have made considerable progress at their own pace. More importantly, our students are learning how to be good human beings. At SVM, pupils are taught how to ‘add life to years’ in a proper manner!

As Principals  of this institution, it is my joy to revolutionize the learning experience of each pupil here!

Principal : DR. Umesh Mandyal