
Co-Curricular Activities

Quiz, Science Exhibition, Debates, Declamations, Singing, Creative Writing, Painting, Drawing Music, Fancy Dress Competition, SVM Eco Club, SVM Junior Red Cross, Geeta Jayanti celebration, Picnic & Tours etc.

Games & Sports

Table Tennis, Badminton, Volley Ball, Basket Ball, Chess, Carrom Board, P.T. etc.

School Magazine

Our School magazine ‘UTKARSH’ is also published every year. Students can submit their articles to the editors of the different subject in the month of September and October.

Literary Activities

Various inter class competitions like debates, declamations, Poems and quiz contests, Play, Essay, writing, drawing competitions are conducted from time to time. The aim is to train the students in the art of public, speaking, argumentation and develop dramatic Talents. Environment day, Geeta Jaynti, Exhibitions, Science Seminars, Annul day and other programmers are also organized.

Hobby Classes :

The School is providing Hobby Classes in Music, Dance, Karate and Craft & Free hand Sketching so that the potential in the child can be brought out.


The Moral and cultural education is an integral part of the school curriculum. The students are inspired to respect their National and Cultural heritage. Separate book are provided to teach cultural ethics, cleanliness and discipline.


Eco Club is constituted in the school in which students are aware about the safe disposal of Biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste. They also do eco-monitoring in thire surround society and give information to people regarding Eco friendly projects. Science Exhibition, Environment day and different cleaning campaigns are organized to aware students about burning issues concerned with environment change.


In order to develop a spirit of  competition among the students, the students are divided into four house which are named after great patriot and Philosophers of the country. Each house is put under the charge of house master or mistress. All other members of the staff are attached to different house, students are appointed as House Leader to inculcate the sense of leadership. Interhouse contests are regularly held to explore and develop talent in students. Houses are as under :

  1.  Vivekanand Hours
  2. Tagore House
  3. Luxmi House
  4. Pratap House