

  1. Registration for admission normally starts from the 1st week of February. Parents desiring for the admission of their wards are request to get their names registered in the school office.
  2. ELIGIBLITY : For classes 9th to +2 Pre-admission test is compulsory & admission will be given to those, who have got 50% marks in metric for Science. Provisional admission starts immediately after Matriculation Examination however final admission will be confirmed on the declaration of the result.
  3. Children whose names are registered are called for a test and interview. Minimum age for admission in Nursery class is 3 years.


  1. Admission in the school is mad without any distinction of religion, race , cast, place of birth. Admission to classes other than Nursery is given to those students who are coming from Govt. and affiliated schools.
  2. Date for entrance test of student coming from other schools in the classes 9th to +2 is intimated to the parents. Students are required to appear in major subject i.e. English, Maths, Science and Hindi. Admission is made strictly on the basic of merit and depending upon the availability of seats.

Requirements at the time of admission

  1. Date of Birth Certificate , Aadhar Card.
  2. For admission from 1st to 12th the transfer certificates/ S.L.C of the previous school will be required .
  3. Migration certificate will also be required for the students coming from board than H.P.Board.


The School’s authorities have right to compel the parents to withdraw their wards on the following grounds.

  1.  Irregular attendance
  2. Unsatisfactory academic progress.
  3. Bad conduct.
  4. Not attending any terminal exams.